長津湖 The Battle at Lake Changjin 專案類型:電影 上映時間:2022年 導演:陳凱歌、徐克、林超賢 Imdb Wikipedia-w Book-reader 劇情簡介 Plot Summary 中國人民志願軍赴朝作戰,在極寒嚴酷環境下,東線作戰部隊憑著鋼鐵意志和英勇無畏的戰鬥精神一路追擊,奮勇殺敵,扭轉了戰場態勢… the People’s Volunteer Army (PVA) entered North Korea for battle. Under extreme freezing conditions, the troops on the Eastern Front pursued with fearless spirit and iron will, as they courageously fought the enemy at Lake Changjin (also known as… Continue reading Movie:The Battle at Lake Changjin | 電影:長津湖