罪後真相 The Post-Truth World 專案類型:電影 上映時間:2022 年 導演:陳奕甫 Imdb Wikipedia-w Vimeo 劇情簡介 Plot Summary 曾因在七年前謀殺女友而被判入獄的前體育新星張正義越獄,悍然劫持了過氣媒體人劉立民作為人質。隨著公眾對該案的關注度不斷提高,劉立民緊蹭這波流量,決定調查張正義的真相,以此重新讓自己回到聚光燈下,但隨著調查深入,他卻發現包括張正義的家屬、甚至連自己的亡妻都涉入其中。 A sports star turned convict holds over-the-hill commentator Liu Li-min hostage. Recognizing this as a chance for his big comeback, Liu plays along with the hype. But the truth is even more shocking than his wildest imagination. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kd-GVv5oa-Q&t=36s 觀眾席 拍攝時僅有一小區塊觀眾席有臨時演員,須透過後期群眾模擬將所有觀眾席填滿群眾。… Continue reading Movie:The Post-Truth World | 電影:罪後真相