魍神之夜 A Night with Moosina 專案類型:Animation 上映時間:2022 年 導演:蔡旭晟 第59屆金馬獎 「最佳動畫短片」入圍 劇情簡介 Plot Summary 滿月之夜,嬰兒哭聲劃破山林,又一個小孩被魔神仔抓走了。山村裡的十歲女孩徐春妹,與動物有著不解之緣,深夜現身的魔神仔將她引誘到後山洞窟,她也意外發現了魔神仔愛作弄小孩的祕密⋯ On a full moon night, a ten-year-old girl from a farming family in a remote village is lured by Moosina into the mountains, where she uncovers the secret about why the mountain demon always plays dirty tricks on children. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SVdLDuTMWGk… Continue reading Animation:A Night with Moosina | 動畫:魍神之夜